Our topic today is how to handle maintenance requests in your San Ramon rental property. A professional property manager will have the expertise necessary to differentiate between an emergency maintenance need and a rather simple task that a tenant might actually be able to handle on their own. Sometimes, the issues they call about are simple housekeeping needs. So, a San Ramon professional property manager will be able to know the difference and send the appropriate vendor to the property to take care of any damage. If it turns out to be something simple that can be handled without professional vendors or contractors, we can save the owner hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

Handling real emergency situations takes skill and experience. If something happens at the property, we will quickly enlist the help of a water damage expert or a fire damage company, depending on what the problem is. We do this immediately in order to minimize your liability as a property owner and to mitigate any further damage to your property. Emergency calls have to be handled right away.

When we get a maintenance request from one of our tenants, we follow a specific procedure. The tenant will call, email or contact us with a work order through our website. When a maintenance repair is requested, we then contact the tenant to get a little more information on the problem. This helps us determine how quickly we need to respond and what we need to do. If a vendor is needed, we contact the appropriate vendor and give them all the information, including the tenant’s contact information. Then, our vendors will work directly with the tenant to schedule a time to take care of the repair. Many of our vendors have been working with us for years. They are loyal and professional and they do high quality work for affordable prices. All of the professional vendors we work with are quick to help us when we call because we give them a lot of business.

Maintenance issues can be complicated if you are trying to manage them yourself instead of through a professional and experienced property manager. If you have any questions about how to judge what kind of maintenance issue needs immediate attention and what is a basic housekeeping requirement, please contact us at Windsor Pacific Property Management in San Ramon, and we’d be happy to discuss it with you.